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Wasser & Abwasser (allgemeine Links)

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Link International Water and Sanitation Centre
IRC is an organisation supported by and linked with the Netherlands Government, UN - Organisations, the World Bank and the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council.
Link MyNetworks
E-learning and networking platform for ecosan, ecological engineering, etc.
Link Sanitation Connection
Sanitation Connection is a www-based resource linked with numerous international organisations intended to facilitate access to information on sanitation including “Ecological Sanitation” – related topics.
Link South-East Environmental Business Association
SEEBA - The Centre for Sustainable Design, Surrey (UK).
Link Water and Sanitation Program / World Bank
Water and sanitation program of the World Bank.
Link WHO
World Health Organisation. Guidance on health aspects of wastewater and excreta reuse.
Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council
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