Publications of EcoSan Club Members
- Jung,
S.,Wafler, M., McConville, J, Kvarnström, E. (2009): Adaptation of existing
participatory planning tools for the peri-urban and rural context in Africa. In: Proceedings of the 34th WEDC conference
on "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Sustainable Development and Multisectoral
Approaches", 18-22 May 2009, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia
(CD-ROM, paper n* 138). (download
- EcoSan Club (2008): Solutions in Sanitation Planning Principles. (download
- Groth, F. (2005): Ventilation of dry toilets - Case study: Close-ups
of various installations in Uganda (download
- Langergraber, G., Müllegger, E. (2005): Ecological sanitation - A
way to solve global sanitation problems?. Environment International,
31(3), 433-444 (download
EcoSan Club (2004): Introduction to Dry Toilets. Eigenverlag, 12p. (download
Lechner, M., Langergraber, G. (2004): Cost comparison of conventional and modern sanitation solutions. In: GTZ (Ed.): "ecosan – closing the loop" - Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on ecological sanitation, 07-11 April 2003, Lübeck, Germany, pp.211-218
Müllegger, E., Langergraber, G., Jung, H., Starkl, M., Laber, J. (2004): Potentials for greywater treatment and reuse in rural areas. In: GTZ (Ed.): "ecosan – closing the loop" - Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on ecological sanitation, 07-11 April 2003, Lübeck, Germany, pp.799-802.
Müllegger, E. (2003). Fäkalien als Dünger. In: Regenwurm. Die Zeitschrift für ökologischen Landbau. BioVegan - Mitteilungen Nr. 15. Vienna, Austria.
Müllegger, E. (2002): REuse REduce REcycle. Südwind-Verlag, Wien; ISBN 3-900592-81-0